Through the Glass Recovery
Through the Glass Recovery
E77: Recognizing the Alcohol Voice: Practical Tips for Managing Cravings and Urges

“The Alcohol Voice was telling me, ‘You don’t have to feel this way.'”

Urges and cravings to drink alcohol look different for everyone, but most of us can agree on one thing: there’s a voice that pipes up inside our head, trying to convince us to drink. That voice sounds a lot like our own, and it gets really creative and tricky, trying to find ways to get you to give in and have the drink you’ve been working so hard to avoid. It’s not unlike the angel on one side and the devil on another. In this podcast episode, we’re joined by sober influencer Elle (@soberinthesprings) and Rich, a recovery coach, to talk about what that voice sounds like inside our heads. We share some practical tips and tricks to shut the voice down and manage the urgest and cravings so common in early sobriety.

“You will never regret choosing to stay sober.”

In this episode:

  • Knowing when you’ve reached a limit
  • Giving yourself permission to do whatever you must, to put your sobriety first
  • The alcohol voice is a bully
  • How alcohol marketing gives alcohol its voice
  • Learning to confront and question thoughts
  • The drinking voice is an alarm – let’s talk about how to respond to it.
  • Mental tips and tricks to move through an urge to drink
  • How we compare our problems to others and use that to justify our drinking
  • Our #1 tool for dealing with the drinking voice

Rich Sullivan:

My X:

My Instagram:

My wife and I run a local sober and sober curious community on Facebook called 

Clear + Present Strangers, you can find the group by searching, also check out our Instagram:

We offer a self guided coaching course and 1:1 coaching, as well as promote local

alcohol-free events, feature restaurants that offer great NA options, 

Elle (@soberinthesprings) has one year of sobriety as of 12/11/23. She chooses to recover out loud to help erase the stigma around addiction, as well as to help dispel the idea that being sober is boring. Elle has a career in social services, and spends her free time adventuring in her chosen home state of Colorado.

Get in touch with Steve and Julie:

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