Through the Glass Recovery
Through the Glass Recovery
E57: Fighting FOMO When You're Sober

Feeling like you’re being left out – or worrying about missing out – is soooo common when you’re sober. Some things just aren’t the same after you quit drinking, and it takes some time to get comfortable with that. And of course, sometimes we’re worrying far too much about things that end up not being an issue at all anyway. Join us as we chat with Eliza, Sherralyn, and Alex about FOMO – what it means, and how we overcome it so we don’t feel like we’re missing out on anything at all.

“You’re taking tomorrow’s joy and using it right now.”

In this episode:

  • It all gets easier with time
  • Jomo – the joy of missing out on the regret and embarrassment
  • Friends that matter will still invite you, and are still fun to be around
  • Risk vs. Benefit analysis to decide whether it’s worth it
  • Honestly, nobody cares if you’re drinking or not
  • Alcohol companies’ effects on why we believe we need alcohol to have fun
  • Mommy wine culture
  • Modeling sober fun for our kids and ending the cycle

“What about worrying about missing out on the rest of your life?”

Sherralyn mentions the book Quit Like a Woman by Holly Whittaker, available for purchase from amazon here (affiliate link):

Julie mentions the band Citizen Soldier. They can be found at

Eliza Foltz is in long-term recovery after struggling with opioid addiction for over a decade after a sports injury. She is the CRO at Pretaa, a behavioral analytics company that improves the continuity of care for those with SUDs or behavioral health challenges and aims to predict relapse and notify caregivers so they can provide the right intervention at the right time. She lives outside of Boston, MA with her husband (also in recovery), two children, and bulldog, Bean.

Learn more about Pretaa at their website: and follow Pretaa on LinkedIn at 

You can also follow Eliza on LinkedIn

Born in Iowa, raised in McAllen, TX, current resident of Omaha, NE. Sober for nearly a year after 12 years of being an advocate for alcohol use/ consumption. Believer that kindness and vulnerability goes a long way for the general human condition. Be a good person, and good things will happen.

Sherralynn is a bookish, Anglo-French mum of three who is currently between jobs, but a communicator by profession. She was raised in Norfolk, UK and lives near Paris, France with her French family and cat. Sherralynn’s sober journey began in 2016 after discovering This Naked Mind, and becoming “sober curious”. One baby and several other breaks from alcohol later, she found her sober tribe in August 2022, including Julie and Steve, and hasn’t looked back since. She can be found at @sober_af_for_today on Instagram, or on IAS under Motivated_AF.

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You can also find Julie and Steve on: Instagram Facebook Tiktok


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