Through the Glass Recovery
Through the Glass Recovery
E59: Change In Recovery - An Opportunity For Growth

Dealing with change in recovery can bring about all kinds of challenges and emotions. From excitement and anticipation, to anxiety and fear of the unknown, navigating change can be overwhelming.

Listen as we are joined by our friends Sherralyn, Dan, and Kate, and we discuss the changes we’ve experienced since getting sober. We talk about the changes within ourselves, and also navigating changes that life has thrown at us. And most importantly, we share what we’ve learned about moving through change without drinking.

“You can view change as a challenge, or as an opportunity.”

In this episode:

  • The most significant change is the one inside ourselves.
  • We can choose to be excited by the changes happening in us, instead of afraid.
  • Learning to view the unknown with wonder and curiosity instead of fear
  • The people in our lives change as we move through our recovery journeys
  • Coping with change includes releasing the need for control.
  • Choosing to use change as a change to grow instead of running from it.
  • Learning how to embrace the emotions that come with change.
  • Dealing with external changes out of our control in a healthy way.
  • Learning to lean on your support system.
  • The longer we are in recovery, the more confidence we gain in our ability to cope with difficult situations.
  • Our relationships will also change, as we change.

“Because we change inside, things around us change, too.”

Kate Taylor is a seasoned writer and editor, having worked in London, New York and Rome and with companies such as Disney and the United Nations. She is a big voice on Instagram where she talks about her sobriety and the journey from drinking wine on a nightly basis to where she is today. You can follow her at @walking_the_straight_line

Sherralynn is a bookish, Anglo-French mum of three who is currently between jobs, but a communicator by profession. She was raised in Norfolk, UK and lives near Paris, France with her French family and cat. Sherralynn’s sober journey began in 2016 after discovering This Naked Mind, and becoming “sober curious”. One baby and several other breaks from alcohol later, she found her sober tribe in August 2022, including Julie and Steve, and hasn’t looked back since. She can be found at @sober_af_for_today on Instagram, or on IAS under Motivated_AF.

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