Trying to figure out how to quit?
Together we can build a recovery that works for you.
Online Game Changing Recovery
Personalized Support for Sustainable Sobriety
Alcohol used to work. It used to be enough to help get you through the day, forget about your problems, relax and make life easier. Somewhere along the way it has become a problem, and despite all your efforts so far you are still struggling to find your answers.
Or maybe you are in a relapse cycle that you can’t seem to get yourself out of. Some things have worked, but something is missing and you can’t seem to figure it out.
Do you want to take back control of your life?
Have you ever wondered what getting sober your way would look like, but have no idea where to start?
I want to help you create the life you are here right now reading this and looking for.
Does everything look ok on the outside, are you holding life together, drinking in secret, sneaking that extra drink, lying about how much you drink because your ashamed because you know deep down inside its too much.
Are you miserable most of the time, do you find yourself looking forward to coming home after work so you can crack a beer, glass of wine, or that glass of whiskey on ice just so you can take the edge off. Then your significant other comes home and it feels like even more of a struggle so you drink some more to turn that noise off too?
You aren’t alone, I’ve been there.
I know what its like to feel this way.
I can help.
We are going to tailor a recovery program based on your current situation and break that down into simple, actionable items that work for you. We’ll take your life experiences and create new, healthy habits and coping strategies to help you build up the emotional strength to take your life and sobriety to the next level. This is all about you and your success in recovery!
Let’s Work Together!
Discover Your Barriers
A single coaching session, where we’ll discover the barriers to your success, and develop an action plan to get you started on your road to freedom. Includes a 50 minute Zoom call, and curated resources.
Build Sustainable Sobriety
This 6-week coaching package will provide you with accountability while you practice using new tools to support your recovery. Together, we’ll develop a unique recovery plan based on your life experiences and specific needs. Includes 6 – 50 minute one-on-one Zoom calls, access to a coach-moderated text support group, support via phone, text or email as needed, and curated resources emailed weekly.
Create Forward momentum
Our 12-week coaching package will solidify your commitment to your recovery. We’ll dive deep into things like understanding your emotional responses and subconscious beliefs, and we’ll work together to create sustainable habits that will propel you into your life of freedom. Includes 12 – 50 minute one-on-one Zoom calls, access to our coach-moderated text support group, support via phone, text, or email as needed, and curated resources emailed weekly.