Recovery, YOUR Way.

Welcome to Through the Glass Recovery

A sobriety podcast where we believe that connection is the opposite of addiction, vulnerability is the antidote to shame, and that recovery isn’t just rewarding, but also a lot of fun. Listen as we get together with friends, experts, and influencers to shed light on the hard things, talk about the other side of addiction, and how we create a life so full there’s no space left for alcohol.

Not Just Another Recovery Podcast

In 2022, certified recovery coaches Julie Miller (Create A Life So Full) and Steve Knapp created Through the Glass Recovery Podcast to connect with members of the recovery community in a unique and meaningful way.

There are already dozens of great podcasts that provide a platform for people to tell their stories. So we’ve created something different. We bring together groups of 4 or 5 people to have engaging conversations about topics that people in recovery often struggle with.

The result has been incredible audience engagement, because we open up a conversation unlike anything most people have heard.

We know that recovery is about a lot more than not drinking. Through our community, we work to give others a space to explore their own lives, and learn the skills and new mindsets to create lasting change. Long term sobriety is only possible when we tackle the big issues in our lives, and give ourselves the space to heal.

FREE Recovery Meetings

Connection is the opposite of addiction. Sharing our struggles and experiences with others healing from addiction is what made our recoveries possible, and we want you to have the same opportunity. We’re not AA, or any other program, just like-minded folks facing addiction head on, and supporting one another. We support all forms of recovery, and everyone is welcome! We meet Mondays at 8:30 EST on Zoom. Drop your email below, and we’ll send you the link. For more information about what to expect at one of our meetings, click here.

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We now offer one-on-one recovery coaching!

Recent Podcast Episodes

image: A lush, green forest. In the forest, you can see a path that splits - creating a fork in the road. Image represents the difference between recovery and sobriety, and what it takes to achieve each one.
image: Three women sitting down, facing the sea. All are holding their hands above their heads in the shapes of hearts. Image is overlayed with the title for the sobriety podcast episode, love and relationships in recovery
image: a grizzly bear with teeth bared, threatening the camera. Image is overlaid with the title of the sober podcast episode entitled managing anger in recovery
Image: A wall that is painted half yellow and half white, with blue and yellow chairs in a half circle in front of the wall. Image is overlaid with the title of the sobriety podcast episode: When AA Doesn't Work
image: A mother with her arm around her daughter. They are sitting on a bench, facing away from the camera. Both are wearing gray sweaters. The image symbolizes the sobriety podcast episode about sober parenting during the teen years.
Image: A scale and tape measure in the foreground of the photo, laying on the foor. Further away, a young woman sits with her knees up and her arms crossed across her stomach, looking at the scale. Image represents the podcast episode titled Eating Disorders and Alcoholism
image: Several hands all holding cell phones, resting on a wooden table. Image represents the addiction recovery podcast about social media and addiction
when AA doesn’t work
Sober Parenting
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Click Here for All Podcast Episodes

Read what our listeners have to say:

A Beautiful Space!

“Julie and Steve have created such a beautiful space of healing, recovery, and acceptance! It is truly amazing to listen to others who have walked the same paths share real life stories in a humble and authentic manner. It is so true that the opposite of addiction is connection. This place fosters the environment of genuine connection and has the power to generate a sonic boom of healing to spread throughout the recovery community.”

Insightful and Conversational

“I loved this round table format where multiple people with different lived experiences can converse about their addiction days and now their sober life and how they did it, what it has meant for them, and tips for how they do it daily. There was a lot of great nuggets of practical wisdom and things we all can to strengthen our recovery, set boundaries, and get the most out of our new lives. Thank you for this honest podcast – we are all better for it.”

Love It

“I love this podcast and can’t wait for it to come out every week. It’s different from most sobriety podcasts as there are diverse guests at all different levels of sober time. It’s also quite entertaining and motivating at the same time. Definitely recommend!”